Japan is my second home !(ロータリー平和フェロー Isabel Gutierrez)
One year has passed since first arriving in Mitaka, Japan. By living in Japan rather than just visiting I was given the tremendous gift of time to take part in a wide assortment of activities : Being able to experience the changing seasons, indulging in traditional hot springs with friends and even playing Japanese indigenous Ainu music. While the journey of living in Japan has not always been easy, when you open yourself up to new experiences slowly but surely that place will become a home to you. And Japan has indeed become a home to me this past year. Thanks to the kindness and patience of those around me!
初めて日本の三鷹に来て1年が経ちました。ただ日本を訪れるのではなく,そこに住むことで,私は非常に幅広い活動に参加できる「素晴らしい時間」という贈り物をいただきました。移ろう四季を経験したり,友人らと由緒ある温泉に入ったり, 日本の先住民族であるアイヌ音楽を演奏したり。 「日本での生活」という旅は必ずしもいつも簡単な事ではありませんでしたが,新しい経験に気付くと,ゆっくりと,でも,確実にその場所が自分の故郷になってゆきます。そしてこの1年で,日本は私にとって「故郷」になりました。周りの方々の優しさと忍耐に感謝します!

Japan was not a new country to me since I previously worked in Okayama as an English teacher. However, entering a Japanese university, my day-to-day routine is much different compared to my last Japanese lifestyle. Now, instead of heading to school to teach students, I have become the student. From taking classes on peace and conflict to even Japanese language classes, Japan continues to become an enlightening and transformative country for me. I look forward to the last year of my graduate school life and hope to create many more lasting memories.
(翻訳)公共イメージ委員会 一同